Overcoming Your Obstacles to Change

The main obstacles to getting through any life change are emotions, or what I call change demons—fear, doubt, impatience, blame, guilt and shame. While researching my book, The First 30 Days: Your Guide to Making any Change Easier, I met countless individuals who, despite knowing how to make a change, were held back by emotions.
I mentioned in a recent Oprah Radio interview that it’s not information, but inspiration that changes people. You might know how to improve a relationship or how to have more money, but just knowing isn’t enough. Only powerful inner motivation can help you move through change and defeat those demons.
Ironically, your strength lies in your emotions themselves. Recognize your demons and work on replacing them with their positive counterparts—for example, by replacing fear with faith and doubt with surrender. By shifting your negative mindset to one of hope and clarity, your real transformation can begin.
I have been an emotional eater for decades. I found this particular article very helpful as it clarifies the huge role that our emotions play in both creating both and breaking habits!