The Most Valuable Lessons for Getting Through Change

Guys, if you’re going through a change right now—or ladies, if a man in your life is in the middle of a big transition—pick up the May 2009 issue of Best Life magazine and read my great new article on change, "The Change Manual." In it, seven men discuss how my change principles have helped them get through transitions in their lives.
Learn how to tap into your strengths through self-assessment, neutralize negative emotions, move quickly and decisively through transitions, make decisions using your internal compass and other strategies for making change easier.
Knowing how to navigate change successfully is one of the most important skills you can have in life. Armed with your own inner strength and the wisdom of those who have walked in similar paths, rest assured, you can get through any change life sends your way. These guys did it—now so can you.
I would LOVE to read that magazine ;BEST LIFE', but I have looked all over for it~I live in Vermont, 05819, and we are kind of in the sticks, as we say!
Is there any way I can get a COPY of that article: 'The Most Valuable Lessons for Getting Through Change' ? I am 51, just am going thru a rough patch, and am grasping for a line..this looks like an article for me. I AM in therapy, have 3 adult sons (whom I expect more out of than is really fair, I KNOW), and also am close to their OWN females in their lives, and my grandkids. Like I said, am going thru a time..
I feel like I am 'growing up', I suppose you could say..but am I ever angry, resentful, oh the whole nine yards..boys will be BOYS, and I see them (at times) going thru stuff of their OWN and just want to scream: I CAN HELP! I HAVE BEEN THERE! but..I stop myself...I have several letters that I have written each of them..but not GIVEN them.
Also, I am having a hard time w/neighbors..or THEY are having a hard time WITH me..(when my grandkids come, GOD forbid they make noise, much less go outside and play!)
Grrr anyhow~thank you