Prepare Yourself for The Year 2012

If you’ve heard people talking about the year 2012, but aren’t sure what it’s all about, here’s the skinny: Some people believe that the year 2012 will bring a radical shift in the world as we know it. Predictions, based mostly on ancient Mayan writings, range from mass extinction to a positive spiritual transformation.
What if personal transformation can actually affect planetary transformation, moving it in a positive direction? Explore this idea further in Daniel Pinchbeck’s bestselling, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and the upcoming feature-length documentary, 2012: Time for a Change.
Just thinking about how you might approach the worst-case scenario can be personally transformative. Today, write down everything you’d do if your time really was limited to three years—things like forgiving, sharing your feelings and initiating life changes—and commit to knocking things off of this list regularly. Doing “someday” things sooner rather than later will make your earthly stay more fulfilling and enjoyable regardless of its length.