Top Ways to Protect Yourself from Negativity

Combating your own, inner negativity is hard enough, but how do you deal with the negativity coming at you from everyone else? While it’s not always possible to cut Negative Nellys out of your life—you can’t avoid your boss or pick a new brother-in-law—here are some clever ways to keep their negativity from infecting you:
- Note the topics that bring out the worst in a negative friend, coworker, client or family member and don’t bring them up.
- Sharing frustrations with Negative Nellys only encourages them to express their own—and then some. Stick to offering compliments or relaying good news.
- Don’t get sucked into gripe sessions. Acknowledge complaints with sympathetic statements like “that sounds frustrating” or “I’m sorry to hear that” and leave it at that.
- If possible, politely excuse yourself!
For more help on negativity, especially in the workplace, click here.
Posted: 5/7/09
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