Read Think and Grow Rich

I’d like to share with you some of the most powerful success principles to help you change your life: Many of them are found in Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich. While this book was written almost a hundred years ago, its core principles—they focus not on becoming rich, but on having a rich life—are as relevant now as they’ve ever been. I know business professionals who re-read this book every year.
One of my favorite sections in the book discusses the importance of persistence. “Those who have cultivated the habit of persistence seem to enjoy insurance against failure,” writes Hill. “Those who pick themselves up after defeat and keep on trying arrive; and the world cries, ‘Bravo! I knew you could do it!’” It’s as if a hidden guide is testing people through discouraging experiences, he imagines, and no one can enjoy great achievement without passing this persistence test.
To read the rest of my blog post on this life-changing book, go here.