My Interview with Theo on Overcoming Adversity

The hardest part about starting a change or overcoming adversity is making the decision to do it. From there, things get easier. “Once we make a decision,” Theo, told me in a recent interview, “things start to move in that direction.”
After an almost fatal car crash, Theo had a profound near-death experience during which he says he was given the choice to live or die. “The moment I decided,” he remembers, “I was moved with velocity back into my body.”
Years later, following a soccer accident that shattered his leg, an amazing thing happened when Theo made the decision to run a marathon. “When I put pen to paper,” he recalls, “just the simple act of writing down ‘run marathon’… began the healing process.” He believes making that decision drove his recovery and changed his life.
He went on to become an Ironman triathlete.
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to listen to the rest of my Change Nation interview with Theo.