My Interview with Conscious-Living Expert, Gay Hendricks

If you want to experience more love, positive energy and abundance, raise your upper limits on allowing these forces into your life. Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap, believes that we establish these limits early on, unconsciously preventing ourselves from having what we want.
The key to raising these limits, suggests Hendricks, is to recognize them—for example, by listening to your words. If, in response to a compliment on a scarf, you say, “oh, it’s nothing, it’s just an old rag,” that’s a good example of what he calls “upper limiting.”
Also, notice when accidents or conflicts happen. “When you’ve exceeded your ability to let yourself feel good,” he notes, “you find some way to kind of bring yourself back down through illness or an accident or starting an argument.” You may also tend to worry immediately following an upsurge of positive energy—again, to bring yourself down.
To hear the rest of my Change Nation interview with Gay Hendricks, click here.