52 Steps to A Greener Lifestyle

If you’ve tried to go green in the past, without much success, try breaking it down into weekly goals. Making a lot of changes at once can be totally overwhelming. You’re more likely to stick with your efforts if you start with small, do-able steps.
For example, the first week, you might switch to organic-garden fertilizers. Next, you could increase your recycling efforts or organize a weekly carpool. The following week you might switch from regular light bulbs to the compact, fluorescent variety—one room, or one bulb, at a time.
Going green is a daunting process. One change a week may not seem like much at first, but look at it this way: In a year—which isn’t as long as it used to be—you’ll be 52 steps closer to a greener lifestyle.
For more top tips on green living, click here.