The ABCs of Follow-Through

If you’re having a hard time accomplishing a particular goal, take a closer look at what might be holding you back. There are certain characteristics that people who follow through on change tend to share. Do any need more reinforcement in your life?
Have a team around you. Surround yourself with people who believe you can change and will keep you committed. Be teachable and open minded.
Take small actions regularly. Break a big goal down into smaller parts to avoid getting overwhelmed and to keep you moving forward.
Connect to the bigger picture. Visualize the reason for your goal and the joy that will come when you achieve it.
Recognize and embrace fear. Welcome fear as a good sign, knowing that our greatest goals are often linked to our greatest fears.
Have a high amount of self-love and self-esteem. Know that you are worthy of change. Don’t settle for not changing what’s not working.
To read my entire blog post on follow through, click here.
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Right on, Ariane!
This is so helpful -- a good reminder to keep focusing on reaching the targeted goal.
I believe it's also essential to give thanks, and to congradulate oneself for succeeding.
Thanks for all of your and everyone elses encouragement and support, and for this site.
Love all of you!!
fantastic Ariane, I share your wisdom regularly with my clients who love it. All the best darling, love from a raving fan xoxo :)