Top Ways To Keep Your Job

Avoid the next round of layoffs at your company by making yourself indispensable. My recent BusinessWeek article, co-written by the creator of the For Dummies brand, John Kilcullen, identifies the skills that employers value most:
Remember: It's Not About You Right Now
Focus on your company's success, not your own, and be a selfless, highly collaborative team player. The last thing your employer wants is to cater to you and your fears.
Assume the Mindset That Everything Is Your Job
Forget your fancy title and impressive résumé and pitch in wherever you’re needed—packing up after a trade show, taking notes at a meeting, etc. Demonstrate your commitment to the overall success of your company.
Start Tweeting or Start Packing
This is no time for “I don’t do Twitter or Facebook.” Acquaint yourself with social networks, mobile applications, and commerce platforms, or you’ll give your boss a reason to replace you with someone younger and more in the game.
For seven more ways to avoid layoffs, click here.
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Not enough room to communicate. Like Book. Don't agree with everything said. That is to be expected. Will tell others to read. 60 years old and recentenly retired. Not buy my choice.