What People Who Reach Their Goals Have in Common

If you want to make sure you reach your next goal, be gentler, not harder, on yourself. Many people think that setting high expectations with crazy deadlines will keep them ultra-motivated, but as I shared in a coaching call for Deborah Battersby's Abundant Life Creator’s Coaching Club, the opposite is often true. People who are too hard on themselves tend to give up before they reach their goal.
To keep your change motivation strong, be gentle with yourself. Give yourself permission not to be right all the time. Know that there will be days when things don’t work out. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to expose your vulnerabilities. Letting others see your fears, doubts and sadness will deepen your connections and strengthen the support around you.
Ultimately, the more human you become, the more your life starts changing for the better.
To hear the rest of my coaching call with Deborah Battersby, click here.
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Lately I have gone through a lot in my quest for freedom, from those who suppressed me. Either in thought or in mind.
I have been heavily challenged, betrayed and abandon; very often feeling alone. Suddenly, change had occurred!
It was not of my own doing and yet it was something that I had always asked for in prayer for a very long time ( a real companion).
Now, Success in more then one area is attainable and I owe it all to a God ( Jehovah), That judged me not, however displayed mercy and grace (and continues to), through out my life.
Thank for the Good Read, God Bless
After reading this article I think I will take your advice.