Are You Ready for Kute Blackson's Love.Now Challenge?

If you’re looking for some inspiration to become exactly the person you were meant to be, look no further than Kute Blackson. The son of a spiritual leader, this born inspirational speaker addressed congregations in over 300 churches by the time he was 8 years old. Now, he has dedicated his life to awakening millions around the world to Love and to Living their inspired destiny.
Kute helps individuals experience what he calls “Liberated Living,” breaking free of the conditioned responses scripted by family, society or the media, so they can live beyond their wildest dreams as the person they really are. He is also the leader of the Love.Now movement, encouraging people to love fully during this "famine of inner fulfillment."
Ready to take the Love.Now challenge? Kute invites you to feel and express the love in your heart fully, without holding back, for 24 hours.
Read more about Kute here.