Life Advice from a Rock Climber

Unless you’re a rock climber, you probably wouldn’t expect the Rules of Rock Climbing offered by veteran rock climber, Matthew Childs, to offer you much wisdom. As it turns out, they’re basically rules for life.
- Don’t let go (give up). Hang in there, and you’ll come up with solutions.
- Hesitation is bad. Momentum is good—don’t stop.
- Have a plan at all times. Don’t just plan for the hardest parts.
- Know how to rest. Regroup, calm yourself, focus and keep going.
- Fear Sucks. It keeps you focused on the consequences of failing what you’re doing, instead of on the accomplishment of what you’re doing.
- Opposites are a good thing. Don’t always follow the most obvious solution or path.
- Strength does not equal success. Sometimes flexibility does or something else.
- Know how to let go. Don’t hang on until the bitter end.
To read my entire blog on this topic, click here.
Posted: 7/2/09
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I am giggling a little while reading this thinking there are two kinds of friends - those who will "get" it and those who would pronounce - I don't rock climb and hit the delete key. GREAT Analogy !!