The Best Resume Secret: My Change Nation Interview with Simon Sinek

Before you craft a resume for that dream job, take a step back and figure out your why—your purpose, cause or belief. Potential employers "don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it,” says motivational speaker, Simon Sinek, who believes the biggest mistake is to simply list what you’ve done.
“The way you find your why,” suggests Sinek, “is to go back into your own life and look at the times when you were happiest…when you were naturally successful…and it didn’t require a lot of work.” He says you’ll see patterns in terms of how you did work in those environments.
Put your why right at the top of your resume. For example, Sinek would write, "everything I do, I do to inspire people to do things that inspire them, and my whole career, I’ve looked for ways to bring that cause to life." The idea is to give a context to the rest of your career.
To listen to my entire Change Nation interview with Simon Sinek, click here.
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