An Inspiring Gift for Friends and Family

If you’re not making a change in your life because you’re worried about how it will affect other people, look at it this way: You’re probably doing them a favor. Sometimes the best change comes from making the people around us uncomfortable.
This issue came up recently during my appearance on Hay House Radio’s weekly Attracting Abundance show with host, Peggy McColl. We’re not here to protect other people’s feelings, I reminded one caller when she expressed reluctance about initiating change. We’re really here to help everyone around us grow.
If you’re in a situation where you know something needs to change, by taking a risk and moving forward, in some ways you are actually being a strong inspiration and an example for other people who might be uncomfortable. It’s actually a loving thing to do, because they will also change in the process.
To listen to the entire July 8th show, click here and scroll down just a bit.