From Layoff to Payoff

If you’ve been laid off recently, look at it as an opportunity—not to stay home, but to go after a job that you love. In an informal survey, we found that 80% of the people who had lost their jobs hated those jobs anyway. Now's your chance to join the other 20%.
Recently, I did a BlogTalkRadio show, Scott Cluthe’s Positively Incorrect, on looking at career changes from a different viewpoint. We kept coming back to the same point: It’s all about loving what you do. As you go about your job search, make "loving your job" your motivator, and you can’t go wrong.
See rejection not as something bad, but as a clue. Ask yourself, was I applying for a job I really wanted? Most people answer no. It’s like competing in an athletic race that isn’t really your sport. You’d be taken out in the first heat.
This layoff, make it your mission to find your sport and run like the wind.
To listen to my entire interview on Scott Cluthe’s Positively Incorrect, click here.