TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

I've been a grateful member of the TED community for over 10 years. Their videos, experts and content are truly world changing—hence, my desire to share this resource with our First30Days community.
Once a year in Long Beach, CA, 50 of the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes) at the TED conference. Its twin, TEDGlobal, takes place annually in Oxford, UK.
Space at these conferences is extremely limited, so TED has made their content available online through TEDTalks. In other words, anyone around the world can watch these “ideas worth spreading” for free.
What started out as a small conference to bring together the worlds of technology, entertainment and design has grown into a global community of millions exchanging and spreading knowledge, ideas and inspiration—“to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.”
To join the TED community, click here.