Keep Yourself Healthier Than Ever

We frequently wonder, what can I do to strengthen myself physically and emotionally, so I can be part of that group of people who doesn’t get sick? World-renowned physician and mind-body expert, David Simon, M.D., co-founder of the Chopra Center, says to start by asking yourself two questions:
1. What am I carrying with me from my past that’s no longer serving me in my present? Take the steps, whatever you need to do, to release that misunderstanding, misbelief or negative self-messaging.
2. What am I holding myself back from, that if I allowed myself to ingest it, would bring me to a higher level of well-being?
Simon goes on to say that once you’ve freed yourself from your past, the most helpful way to achieve balance is through daily quieting of the mind, or meditation. If you can’t sit still, try free-flowing dance, tai chi, yoga or something else that isn’t goal-oriented.
To listen to my Change Nation interview with David Simon, M.D., click here.