30 Days to Your Next Big Change

If you’ve been trying to make a big life change, but can’t seem to get there, try adjusting your approach. In a recent Reader’s Digest article, I shared these tricks to help you stick with the program:
- Go on record with your new project, relationship, diet, exercise regimen, etc. Publicly declaring that you’re ready for the next chapter in your life not only adds the accountability factor but also invites others to cheer you on.
- Sweat the small stuff. Pay your bills on time, return e-mails promptly and keep your home and work environments clutter-free. Keeping up with small tasks helps bolster your self-esteem—when you feel effective, you’re closer to your goal.
- Commit to making it to 30 days. Once you’ve reached this milestone, you’re as good as gold.
For more ways to stick with the program, click here.
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