Talk to Us!

Are you going through a change right now? Thinking of making one? We’d like to help. Visit the Talk to Us section of the First 30 Days web site and share your story. Only your screen name will appear, so your posting will remain completely anonymous.
3 great reasons to Talk to Us:
1. Our staff and other subscribers will respond with support, helpful advice or solutions that have worked for them, offering new perspectives on your situation.
2. You’ll be helping others with similar experiences see that they aren’t alone.
3. There are proven, therapeutic benefits to getting thoughts out of your head and into print.
With that last one in mind, even if you decide not to share your change story online, be sure to write your feelings down somewhere, such as a journal, a notebook or a computer file. You’ll feel better almost immediately.
While you're there at our Talk to Us page, read some of these very powerful stories, and if you have something to offer that may help or inspire a similar story, please share. You never know who might benefit from your help.
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