First30Days Angels

Calling all angels! If you have a few minutes to help someone else with a change, please visit the Talk to Us area of our site. Or, if you know of others who might be able to help, please send them over.
Many people are writing in right now given these times of transition, and they need some support. Read through these powerful stories, and when you come across people or changes you can relate to, take a minute to offer some encouragement.
You don't need to be an expert. A few words of compassion and understanding can help tremendously. Or perhaps you have a helpful suggestion or a similar story to share. However you respond, just letting someone know that he or she isn't alone can make a huge difference. And, click on the Comment button at the bottom of a story. You never know what impact your few words may have on someone right now.
Consider it your "community" service. These days, we all want to volunteer in some way. Supporting others through change is a wonderful way to do it! For those of you who want to participate with us, please email us. You can be one of our Guardian Angels and help not only with stories but the new blog, comments and so on.
Please feel free to forward this email to any of your friends you think may need its information right now.
I lost my dog Squeaky four days ago. I miss him so much. He stood on his feet and looked me in the eyes with a sad look ten minutes before he died that made me feel he was going to miss me. His eyes told me he had to go, but he will never forget me. He loved me so much. He's in heaven now playing; he's waiting for me to join him one day. I can hardly wait to see him again and give him a big hug and kiss as I tell him how much love I have in my heart just for him.