Surviving Foreclosure

In the current mortgage crisis, the threat of foreclosure looms large for many Americans. No matter what your situation—from the first missed payment to actual foreclosure proceedings—there are options to explore to avoid losing your home.
- Don't ignore the problem. As soon as you know you are going to miss a mortgage payment, notify your lender. Figure out exactly where you stand, so you can begin taking action.
- Become BFF with your lender. Like you, lenders want to avoid the stressful, costly foreclosure process. Call today to discuss the various prevention options.
- Get educated on the HOPE for Homeowners Act. H4H helps borrowers at risk of default and foreclosure refinance their mortgages in a variety of ways. Your lender has information on applying.
- Take advantage of free assistance. Get free counseling by speaking with your lender or by finding a HUD-approved housing counselor. (Visit and click "Talking to a Housing Counselor.") Avoid foreclosure-prevention companies, which may charge you for information.
Read the rest of our foreclosure survival guide here.