Bouncing Back After a Job Loss

Following a layoff, you have two choices: One, wallow in misery; or two, dust yourself off and ask, what's next? In a recent Martha Stewart Living Radio interview, I shared some ways to get your life moving in a positive direction after a job loss:
Focus on the now. It can be daunting to consider what you want to do for the rest of your life. Instead, simply focus on what you'd like to do next, such as learning a new skill or trying a different role.
Stop labeling yourself. Just because you've always been a teacher or a marketing person doesn't mean you can't become something or someone else. Stop putting yourself in a box and open yourself up to new opportunities.
Tap in. Start getting back in touch with everyone in your personal and professional networks. Offer help to others, and don't be afraid to ask for what you need.
Send thank-you notes to people you worked with—yes, including the person who fired you. It will turn the energy around and also have them keep you in mind if they hear of anything that's available through their network.
Read more tips on handling layoffs.
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