Failure vs. Regret

If fear is holding you back from pursuing your dream, try imagining the regret you'll feel if you never even try. For Katie Danziger, creator of the Nomie Baby waterproof car-seat cover, her fear of regret was stronger than her fear of failure. "I knew if I didn't give it a try, and years later saw the product out there, that I would kick myself," she remembers. "So I decided to go for it!"
Years before, she used this same logic while pursuing an acting career, and with equal success. "I was so scared of getting out there and making a fool of myself," says Katie, "but I was even more afraid of…waking up years later, kicking myself and wondering what if?" Now, she has her SAG card.
Katie suggests that imagining future regret about anything, even a trip to the gym, is your clue to make sure it happens. "Write it down," she advises, "or other things will come up." Today, schedule the first step of pursuing your dream and don’t let anything else come up!
Read more about Katie Danziger in the Profiles of Change section of our web site.