Is Your "Busy-ness" an Excuse Not to Change?

If you're too busy to make that change you've always dreamed about, perhaps you're just hiding behind an excuse. As I mentioned in a recent interview on Talk Radio’s Dr. Pat Show, the number-one reason that I hear from people for not making a change is "I'm too busy." But in reality, you're choosing busy-ness over change.
The Chinese symbol for busy-ness is the same as the one for heart-stopping, which I take to mean that if you're too busy, it literally affects your heart. Perhaps they know something that we don't.
Busy-ness takes our power from us. It robs time away from things that we want to put more attention on. As long as you continue to put time into these things, that's what you'll get more of.
What's robbing your time? Work? Home renovations? Certain relationships? Now get honest with yourself. Do you want this busy-ness or do you want to make that change you've always dreamed of?
You can listen to my entire interview with Dr. Pat here.
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Is this/these actions sort of like those that are in DBT trainings? I am currently taking 'classes' in DBT, and I so want to NOT busy all of the time! Example: I talk to my mom (I am 52, she's 72) each nite, nowadays...trying to describe to her what I DID during the's almost as if..I was running in circles chasing my tail! Occaisonally I DO complete 'tasks at hand', but, never really learning the art of pausing....busy~ness, mindfullness, etc., it is really difficult to do! Try try the word, and practice....!
I had a panic attack 2x this week..and I have TRIED to put these tips in 'use', but, I usually give in by taking a relaxant...(teas, calms forte..)
(also in recovery so there are MANY issues that I am dealing with!) ALSO I have 3 grown sons, 2 of those have their own families.., youngest sons family broke up nearly 2 weeks to the youngest son, he ran off on his wife in june (she was in a HIGH risk pregnancy, w/2 other children, he has since come back), the baby was born w/Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy~ SIGH you can see..I AM busy, have a LOT on my plate, and I do have a great therapist/support system, IF I CHOOSE to use it! I guess what I am asking is if YOU all use the DBT 'talk', or the tools...
thanks for reading my little life intro!