The Shift

If there's a part of you that's been longing to make a shift from an ego-driven life—i.e., what's in it for me? how much do I make? who am I better than? —to a life filled with purpose and meaning, you must see Wayne Dyer’s movie, The Shift. Formerly titled From Ambition to Meaning, this inspirational film explores three modern lives in need of new direction to teach us how to find the path to our spiritual purpose.
"I got 'ambition to meaning' from Carl Jung," Dyer told me in a recent Change Nation interview. He says that according to Jung, we spend the early part—or morning—of our lives in a stage called ambition, with the emphasis on achievement, accumulation and other ego-driven goals. "What I'm trying to teach people (what Jung tried to teach people)," says Dyer, "is that as you move into the afternoon of your life, it's no longer about your ego. It's about how you may serve.
You’ll leave the film inspired to start your own shift from the morning to the afternoon of your life!
Listen to my entire Change Nation interview with Wayne Dyer.