Join the Women's Evolution!

Dear Friends,
At the recent, sold-out Peace Summit in Vancouver, His Holiness the Dalai Lama made a proclamation that stunned the crowd: "The world will be saved by the western woman."
Last year, Maria Shriver's Women's Conference sold an astounding 14,000 tickets in the first 20 minutes after registration opened. The theme: "Women, the Architects of Change."
Something big is stirring among us women.
More of us than ever before are feeling called to awaken to the fullness of our authentic power and become active, engaged agents of change.
We're hungry to express our creativity and find our voice. We sense intuitively that we have a critical role to play in shaping the future of our world.
But what is the pathway to awakening the fullness of our authentic power as women? Where should we give our energy and attention in order to make our greatest contribution? And how might we work together and support each other in this process?
I'm thrilled to announce that The First 30 Days is co-sponsoring a groundbreaking FREE teleseries called Women on the Edge of Evolution: Awakening to the Power to Co-create our Lives and Shape our Collective Future created by my dear friends Katherine Woodward Thomas & Claire Zammit.
Katherine and Claire are pioneers in the area of women's evolution. They've been working hard with their team for months to bring together the world's leading female spiritual luminaries, thinkers and agents of change.
Together we'll create a space to engage the biggest questions facing women who are wanting to unleash their co-creative power and participate in creating a brighter future for us all.
Join me, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Lynne McTaggart, Mary Manin Morrissey, Elizabeth Debold, Diane Musho Hamilton, Rickie Byers Beckwith and others, along with a global community of women, for this unprecedented conversation.
This is a totally FREE event. There is no charge to participate.
All of the women leaders have generously volunteered their time and their wisdom so that as many of us as possible can come together to awaken our power to shape the future.
You can participate live or listen to the recordings later, at any time, from anywhere in the world.
Register today.
Together we'll address some of the most important questions facing us today, such as:
• What is the significance of our role as women in shaping the future of our world?
• How do we awaken our authentic feminine power and strength?
• What might the future of our liberation as women look like?
• How can we lead in ways that express our authentic feminine values?
• How can we unleash the fullness of our creativity and our voice?
• What's the relationship between our own inner transformation and our power to change the world?
• How do we best care for ourselves and our families while making a big contribution to the world?
• Where should we give our energy and attention in order to have the greatest impact?
• How can we best work together and support each other fully in this process?
Register today. Each week, you’ll have an opportunity to listen in as well as interact with a visionary woman leader committed to helping midwife the future of our world, gaining insights, and learning practices and tools that you can begin to apply in your own life and community.
Click Here to Learn More and register for this groundbreaking FREE event.
To our evolution,
P.S. Because we want to reach as many women as possible for this historic event, please forward this invitation to all the important women in your life!
This is very exciting and I am really looking forward to more!
Elizabeth Joy Mueller