Worry Never Works

If we know that worrying doesn't accomplish anything and can be detrimental to our success and well-being, why do we continue to do it? According to motivational speaker, Mike Robbins, best-selling author of Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken, there are some common reasons why:
1. We've been trained to worry—by parents, teachers, friends, family members, the media and so on.
2. Worrying is often a suppressed form of fear, anger, guilt, sadness, etc. and is more socially acceptable than expressing these difficult emotions.
3. We worry that if we stop worrying, something really bad will happen.
So what can we do about it? Robbins offers these suggestions for transforming worry and using it as a catalyst for positive change:
1. Notice what you worry about.
As with all change, the first step is awareness.
2. Identify and express your real emotions.
Move through the emotion and release its energy, thus transforming it and letting go of your worry.
3. Take conscious and courageous action.
Facing fear and worry in a direct and confident way helps you move out of a state of negative thinking and inactivity.
Read Mike Robbins’ entire blog post on worry.