What Does Success Mean to You?

Times of great change often require us to rethink our definition of success. When Philip Gonzales' son was born with complex medical needs, and then careless medical mistakes delayed his development further, Philip gave up his worldly ambitions to care for his son. "I've pledged that my boy will live his shortened life in a powerful, rich, and spiritual way," says Philip. Following an intensive study of his son's condition, he now monitors the doctors' every move.
Philip has had to give up almost everything—career, marriage, home ownership and most material assumptions—and yet, he claims that his soul is wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. "Over these years of working with my son, I have experienced a new sense of just how precious life is," notes Philip. "To live in the full light of precious life…takes a willingness to let go of the people we imagine ourselves to be."
In Philip's words, sometimes you have to choose the losses that you can accept in order to create gain in other parts of his life. Success for him now is attending the miracle of his son.
Read more about Philip Gonzales in our Profiles of Change gallery.