Your Personal 2009 Inventory

We get what we focus on. As the end of the year approaches, instead of blaming ourselves for what went wrong in 2009—the weight we put on, the dreams we didn't pursue, the debt we racked up and so on—let's take a very different look back at the past year.
Here are 10 questions to ask yourself that will radically change your view of 2009:
1) Whom did I meet this year who is now in my life?
2) What emotion really caused me to grow? Courage? Faith?
3) What emotion was I unafraid to feel? Fear? Sadness?
4) What am I most proud of?
5) In what area of my life did I really make some progress?
6) What did I do that completely surprised me and was unexpected to me?
7) Whom did I really help?
8) What is the biggest lesson I really faced?
9) What am I most grateful for?
10) What were the most fun times I had?
Be gentle on yourself and light on life.
Read my entire blog post on this topic.
This is awesome! 2009 was definitely a reflection year for me and I learned not to take anything for granted, especially your job and loved ones!
Thanks for this personal inventory! I, too, just conducted a 2009 annual goal review that may be useful to others.