Is That a Screwdriver Behind the Curtain?

We’ve been doing some thinking about where we store stuff in the house and came to these fun conclusions.
You wouldn’t put the dishwashing detergent in the bathroom, so why keep your stamps and return address labels stuffed in an office drawer? You never use them in there. Keep items right where you use them—in this case, the kitchen—and stop wasting unnecessary time and energy schlepping things all over the house.
So why not use conventional storage areas in unconventional ways. If your kids always do art projects on the dining room table, clear out your china cabinet and put the arts and crafts stuff in there. You never use those dishes anyway.
Hang your cordless screwdriver in a central location, like on the wall behind a living room curtain. No one will see it there, and it’s easily accessible for household tasks like loose drawer-pulls on your end tables. Think about it. Most people don’t have end tables in the spider-infested basement.
It’s your house. Think outside the box and make it work the way you want it to. Heck, put a bookcase in your bathroom. After all, we always read in ours. Don’t you?
I love this think out side the box. After you can grasp that idea make sure you grab onto this idea, Every thing has a home. So when you come home and slep all your stuff on the counter put ur things in there home. So the next morning u aren't scrambling to find ur key, u can go right to the hook Alway think everything has a home even when it's outside the box. mother of 7-master of confusion children.
finely some one see the light !! works for me people know i am strange now i willhave more buddies!