Change Your Beliefs, Change Your World
A simple shift inside can make a monumental difference outside. Take it from Sky Sheridan, founder of Called2Create, "an advertising evolution that empowers the way we think, feel and believe about ourselves, each other and our world." A shift in perspective took his life in an entirely new direction. "About five years ago…I finally grasped that I wasn't a trapped victim, but a powerful creator, free to do things my way," he recalls.
After a near-death experience at age four, Sky survived a schizophrenic mother and her eight-year battle with AIDS, physical and sexual abuse in foster care, Mormon conversion, a sexual-identity struggle and a five-year trust-fund battle, among other things. Refusing to let his dark past hold him back, he gradually traded old, limiting beliefs for the potential to create his own fulfillment and joy.
"Change your belief and you can change your experience," suggests Sky. "Change your experience and you change the whole world."
Read more about Sky Sheridan in our Profiles of Change gallery.