Organize Your Home in No Time

Your living space doesn't have to look like an IKEA catalog to be organized. While most organizing books take the everything-out-of-sight approach, professional organizer, Debbie Stanley, author of Organize Your Home in No Time, says that plenty of people actually function better and stay organized longer when they keep things visible.
"A filing system for a 'stuff out' person might consist of a dozen inclined, standing file racks with file folders in them" vs. keeping the folders in a closed drawer, explains Stanley. Other examples of visual storage options are open shelving, baskets or cubbies—with hooks for coats and transparent bins. Not only do these choices help with the out-of-sight, out-of-mind phenomenon, but they also make it easier to put things away.
Being organized "gives you time to actually have a life," Stanley reminds us. Keep this goal in mind as you forget a magazine's style of perfection and focus instead on creating a system that allows you to find what you need when you need it, and how to keep it that way.
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