Top 5 Ways to Have More Money

If you want to have more money, don't be like everyone else and just wish for it to happen. Do something about it. Here are five steps to get you started:
1. Write down your life aspirations.
Have you always wanted to start your own business? Retire in Belize? Detail your ideal life on paper without worrying about how you'll get there.
2. Approximate your net worth.
Add up bank accounts, retirement savings, cars, jewelry and so on. Now subtract everything you owe—for example, credit-card debt and mortgages. The difference, positive or negative, is your net worth.
3. Control spending with a budget.
List monthly expenses by category—housing, groceries, lattes. Set monthly spending limits for problem areas.
4. Assess your beliefs.
Finish these sentences: "Money is…" and “Wealthy people are...." Look for beliefs that don't line up with your goals.
5. Establish a financial plan.
How will you reach the goals in step one? A detailed financial plan, including retirement plans, investment and savings plans and so on, can show you the way. Use a software program or a web site to set one up, or hire a financial planner.
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