Top Fashion Advice from Project Runway's Tim Gunn

The most difficult thing about creating a new look for yourself is sustaining it. "Whenever we leave our comfort zone, we become full of anxiety and self-doubts," explains Project Runway mentor, Tim Gunn. "It's so easy to have a fashion relapse and go back to our old ways."
According to Gunn, you’'l feel most confident about your new image, and be most likely to stick with it, if you start by defining exactly who you are and how you want to present yourself to the world. He also recommends finding a fashion mentor—someone whose style you relate to and would like to emulate. Gunn admits that when presented with a fashion conundrum, he asks himself, what would Cary Grant, George Clooney and Patrick Dempsey do?
Most importantly, if something doesn’t go along with your new style, get rid of it. "Resist the urge to save your 'wrong' clothes by rationalizing, 'oh, I'll just wear this on weekends,'" advises Gunn. "Removing the temptation to lapse back to your former fashion self will be liberating."
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