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Eat Sugar and Still Lose Weight

Eat Sugar and Still Lose Weight

If you’'e having a hard time changing bad eating habits, try looking at your body and mind as a computer. "A computer has an input and an output," says Dr. Ismail Kibirige, Director of the Manhattan Hygienic Center, reminding us of the direct relationship between what we eat and our resulting state of health. "How do you expect to have different results when you're putting the same garbage into your body constantly?"
Kibirige sees the following cycle all too often: People get sick. They go to a physician or take medication. They feel better. They go back and do the same thing that made them sick. They go back to the doctor and so on. The same thing happens with dieting. "After the diet is over, people gain all the so-called bad habits back," he points out.
To break the cycle, says Kibirige, take one step at a time and don't make any drastic changes. For example, cut your sugar intake in half, eat chocolate only once or twice a week and drink two, rather than ten, cups of coffee a day. "Small changes last longer," he reminds us.
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Posted: 4/8/10
4/9/10 Next Tip»