Dear Friends and Fellow Change Optimists

After two incredible years of sending out hundreds of thousands of Change Secrets emails, I've decided that it's time for a change: On July 1, I will stop our daily correspondence. All great things come to an end and something new follows. Or, in the words of The Change Guarantee, "from this change, something good will come."
There are many reasons for my decision, including your feedback. Some of you have shared that a daily email is too much to think about, or that you can't find time to listen to interviews, or that not all topics are relevant. I respect all of your opinions.
My personal reason is that I've been working on some new teachings and a new book and would like to commit to the call of my heart's inspiration. I am feeling guided to dive more deeply into the spiritual path, write about it and eventually speak and teach about what I've learned.
Later this summer, I will unveil a new site dedicated to those who want to stay connected to being in this world, through everything from their work to their relationships. Please help spread the word to anyone you know who is looking for a group of people with what I affectionately call, "A Foot in Both Worlds." You can sign up at
If you're wondering what will happen with the daily emails, beginning July 1, we will maintain a newsletter-type connection with those of you who want to continue. You'll hear from us once a week or whenever we feel that there is some fantastic new content, an expert blog post, a must-read story, or an upcoming event that I'll be attending or hosting.
If you don't want to continue to receive mailings from us, this is a good time to say goodbye and we wish you well. (You may click here to unsubscribe now.)
Of course, the site will remain a community of support, inspiration and information, offering regularly updated content, expert advice and resources to anyone going through a change.
Blessings and gratitude for what we've all been through together,