October is National Book Month. Commit to reading just one book by choosing a title off the New York Times Bestseller list, or one of those "100 Best" lists floating around. After you finish the first book, see if you aren't begging for more!
Tomorrow is the second presidential debate. As you watch, pay close attention to the candidates' views on specific issues, then list them under three columns: Agree, Disagree and No Opinion. Who is more in line with your thinking?
Need a mood boost? Certain foods have been shown to increase serotonin in your brain. Chow down on some lean protein (beans work too) and a few hours before your next meal, eat a carb like a slice of whole wheat bread. You'll be feeling better in no time.
Make one of your dreams come true, even if it seems silly or outlandish. You'll live longer if you carpe your diem once in a while! Take that class, jump out of the plane, end and find a new beginning. You won't regret it!