Change Nation New Directions Podcasts
Change Nation is a weekly video podcast where Ariane interviews top experts, authors, celebrities and inspiring people to bring you their valuable wisdom on change. Tune in for a new episode every Friday.
To listen to all of our archived shows please subscribe to our iTunes podcast.

Debra Shigley video
Pursue your dreams with the advice of the Go-Getter Girl.

Debra Shigley audio
Be a Go-Getter: Pursue your dreams with the advice of the Go-Getter Girl.

Jessica Ortner
Emotional-Freedom Techniques: Pursuing your dreams will solve your problems. Your dreams will get yourself through tough times. Jessica Ortner will tell you that more than anything else, it's your attitude and the way you look at things that are going to solve your problems.

Jessica Ortner Video
Pursuing your dreams will solve your problems. Your dreams will get yourself through tough times. Jessica Ortner will tell you that more than anything else, it's your attitude and the way you look at things that are going to solve your problems.

Lisa Nichols
Happiness Secrets: Did you ever have problems with being happy? Perhaps you were misplaced in school and teachers had low expectations of you. Listen as Lisa Nichols tells you her story, past and present.

Ariane at the Florida Conference for Women
Want to improve your ability to handle any change? Listen to Ariane's workshop on the 9 principles of change, as presented at the Florida Conference for Women.

Ariane at the Florida Conference for Women
The 9 Principles: Want to improve your ability to handle any change? Listen to Ariane's workshop on the 9 principles of change, as presented at the Florida Conference for Women.
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