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Cougars on the Prowl

Stars in their fifties have a way of looking like they are in their thirties, but what if you don’t have the same means to get there? How do you update your look or style?
Christopher Hopkins wrote Staging Your Comeback: A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45 so that you realistically get that Samantha from “Sex and the City” look. Or at least you can come close!
Rather than making sweeping generalizations, Hopkins breaks down women’s body and hair types into categories so that each woman reader can go from there.
*Extremely important: know and accept your body shape so that you can buy flattering clothing.
*When using makeup, less is more!
*Hopkins also advises against perms and long hair. In most cases, the “right haircut” will be your best match instead.
Have you found ways to accentuate what you’ve got post-45? [Chicago Tribune]