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Dress Your Age

Dress Your Age

Attention ladies 40 and over! It’s time for you to dress your age. Let’s face it; you’re still attractive, but with age comes a clear need for a bit more...modesty. Honestly? We just don't want to see you look less than your best, and almost nothing is worse than a woman trying to look 20 years her junior by wearing clothing that is inappropriate for her age. We know you want to look young and feel sexy, but you can do it without borrowing your daughter’s mini-skirt. Repeat after us: "I will not wear clothing from American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, Delia's or Forever 21!"

It’s all about self-confidence. That’s right, we said self-confidence. Before you decide to create a new image for yourself, you need to have self-assurance. Who cares if you’ve got wrinkles in places you could’ve never imagined? You’re older and wiser, and it’s time to embrace your age.

And once you're comfortable with your fine self, make sure you buy clothing that fits you right. It’s about the fit, then the look. Or as Barbra Williams Cosentino, a New York psychotherapist who specializes in baby boomers' issues puts it, "It's not about trying to look like a 22-year-old but about wearing what makes you feel comfortable and attractive, even if there's some jiggly skin involved."

If you run into a dead end, we’re here to help! Plus, haven’t you heard? 40 is the new 20, *wink.*

Tell us what you think about the way older women should dress. Is emulating your teenage daughter a fashion do, or a fashion don't? [More]

Posted: 7/22/08

I think its best to dress your age..I am 64 and i look good for my age.I wear a size 10,but i am a jeans person.I wear jeans mostly ...The way i do it is this way..If i want to dress up,i just dress up my jeans with a nice blouse and some low heels,or flats..If i want to dress casual i wear a comfy shirt and my crocs..I dress comfortable..If i attend a wedding or funeral,it is usually a nice pantsuit...I would feel foolish in a mini skirt..I can dress sexy at my age with cloths that go with my age...I do not feel old,and i want to look nice but aT THE SAME time i do not want to look foolish...


How about something specific for petite 65 year old?