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Fight! For your right! To...Garden?

Fight! For your right! To...Garden?

Well, they're not exactly being forced to grow it in the street, but the LA Times published a fascinating article about guerrilla gardeners who plant in public parks, abandoned lots, sidewalk parkways, or on any abandoned piece of land they deem worthy of flowers or vegetables. 

The guerrillas get together for planting parties or go "seed bombing" under the cover of darkness. Their finished work can be seen on sites like GuerillaGardening.org.  One anonymous gardener—who an official city landscaper referred to as the 007 of gardening—has taken over an entire traffic island in Long Beach.

We have to admit, we sort of wish we'd thought of it first. There's something so great about the idea of an urban garden springing up in the midst of urban sprawl.

If you've been procrastinating about starting your own garden, you can look to these guys for inspiration. After all, if you've got the space and fertile enough soil in your own back yard, you should consider yourself lucky you don't have to risk life and limb in the middle of traffic like "007." If you want to borrow a little bit of rebel spirit, plant at night, wear fatigues and crank up a little Bob Marley.




Posted: 5/30/08