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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Life in the Slow Lane

The world's top automakers are in a race to create eco-friendly vehicles, and while it has been a challenge for many to completely change their products overnight, one company seems to be focusing on changing one part at a time.

This week Nissan introduced "ECO Pedal," a system that automatically pushes back when a driver approaches excessive speeds.

This "Eco Pedal" is set to debut next year and Nissan claims that it will improve fuel efficiency by 5 to 10%. Some critics have already raised concerns about the system being unsafe in emergency situations, but Nissan claims those situations can be avoided by using the system's "off" switch. Which begs the question: are there drivers who will simply keep the pedal off all the time?

If you already want to be green by slowing down, you don't have to wait until next year to buy a new car. Simply drive more efficiently. Or, just ask your passenger to punch you in the arm every time you exceed 25 mph. They'll probably do it for free! [Endgadget]

Posted: 8/6/08