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Living in a Box?

Living in a Box?

Shipping containers are a must if you're moving. But moving into one? While it sounds like something only a homeless person might do, it could become a possibility for foreward-thinking, green living urbanites thanks to an innovative proposal floated by developers in Detroit.

The residential project in southeast Michigan, dubbed "Exceptional Green Living on Rosa Parks," will offer condos made from stacks of shipping containers, with windows and doors cut out and balconies and patios added. Units will start at $100,000 and the overall project is estimated to cost $1.8 million, or about 25% less than a normal condo of the same quality.

Empty shipping containers pile up by the thousands at U.S. ports around the country. If this condo succeeds, the project could lead to widespread use of these materials for housing. For a preview of similar projects in Europe, check out Containercity.com, then come back and tell us what you think! [Detroit Free Press]

Posted: 5/15/08

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I believe the homes are made from steel shipping containers (otherwise, they'd probably collapse in a strong wind!)

I love cardboard furniture. It's a great use of materials!

  • By kristen
  • on 5/22/08 4:29 PM EST

Just a few days ago i seen a cardboard coffee table.I want to pick it up so bad,but i was on the bus line plus my fiancee wouldn't let me anyway.If some one offered me a cardboard home i bet he'll take it with me.But do you worry about it getting wet or to heavier peoples like me and others come in and try it out? becky from s.f