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Reasons to Green Your Home

Reasons to Green Your Home

Ever wonder where all those plastic bags, water bottles and baby diapers end up after they've made their way into the Pacific Ocean? Oh...did you not realize your trash is in the ocean? Where, exactly, did you think it went?

Here's a hint: its not trash heaven. According to Greenpeace, these every day items make their way into a vortex called the North Pacific Gyre, and in time end up in a giant "trash carpet" north of Hawaii estimated to be the size of Texas (if you've never been to Texas, let us just tell you it takes a whole day to drive across the state.)

The international organization estimates that out of the 100 million tons of plastic produced every year, 10% of it ends up in the ocean. The very qualities that have made plastic a popular material are the ones that are creating the most problems; It's durable, and takes a considerable amount of time to biodegrade. Thus the trash carpet keeps growing.

What can you do to minimalize your contribution to the trash carpet? The simplest thing is to keep moving towards having a green home. Cut down on the use of plastic products in your home. Put a canvas shopping bag in your purse, store kitchen items in glass jars, or buy wooden toys for your kids. Or if you want to fight the battle head on, sign up for a beach or lake clean up. Organizations like Heal the Bay in Santa Monica, Ca. and the "Adopt a Beach" program in Texas have regular clean-up activities. Just think—you'll be reducing your contribution and making up for your slacker neighbors at the same time!


Posted: 6/17/08