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Buyer Beware

All you want is to meet someone who understands you, appreciates your unique sense of humor and can treat you with love and respect. Unfortunately, as you seek romance, you might also meet someone who wants to take you for a ride.

The FBI reports 206,884 complaints of internet fraud in the last year alone, and victims lost $239 million. The first line of defense when dating online  is to keep your head about you as you let someone capture your heart. Scammers know how to work the system, and forge a bond with victims through continuous and constant communication via email and phone contact.

If you think you’re immune because you’re young and street-smart, think again. Plenty of savvy online daters have been misled—so many, in fact, that web sites like Romancescams.org and Womansavers.com (and Guysavers.com for the men) exist to try and protect them. Use good common sense—don’t give out too much personal information, and use discretion when someone asks you for money. While not everyone is out to hurt you, it is in your best interest to trust your instincts and take it slow.

If you are the victim of fraud, don’t be afraid to speak up! Getting these people off web sites for good will be a benefit to you and all those out there who are earnestly seeking love. [CNN]


Posted: 4/21/08