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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Forty, Flirty and Fabulous

Forty, Flirty and Fabulous

So you think you’re too old or inexperienced to try dating online at the mere age of 40-something? Pshhh, what a lame excuse! You found your way to this web site, didn’t you?

The online dating world may seem like its made up of all 20-somethings, but an increasing number of older folks are getting in on the game as well. Both Yahoo Personals and Match.com report a significant increase in the number of users of their sites who report to be over 45 and unmarried. USA Today features several couples who were approaching 50 and had all but given up on finding a soul mate.

"There are wonderful people still out there who are hiding away in their work," 53-year-old Lise Goldman says to the newspaper. "He's an international lawyer, so he needs to work evenings a lot. That's been one of the blessings that kept him away from the dating scene."

Online dating is actually a great solution for more mature adults. If you know what you want. You can easily sift through profiles and find the right individuals who share your interests. There are several sites geared specifically for you—PrimeSingles.net, lavalifePRIME.com and BOOMj.com. Try these locations to find a lover close to your age range, but if you’re looking for a younger catch, try any site you’d like! [USA Today]

Posted: 6/4/08