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Greg Waldorf

Greg Waldorf

CEO of eHarmony.com

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Beth Roberts

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Alison Roth

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Online for the Same Reason!


No need to feel ashamed doing the online dating thing. Who cares who finds out you're doing it. I mean the other person is on there for the same thing, right!? And the other people who "find out" are on there, too...so...go from there.

My friend Rob met his soul mate + recent bride online and couldn't be happier. Life has gotten busier. World has gotten bigger. Why not use the tools available to us to make our manic lives just that much easier?

One of my fave people I met online. Even though it didn't work out for me/us, I'm so glad to have him in my life. Wouldn't have met him otherwise.

As the expression goes: "Hey, ya never know...".

Shared by abm810 on 11/10/08

I completely agree and if you are not willing to take risks in life and put yourself out there you are going to miss out on a lot of great experiences and friendships - or maybe even "the one!" We live in a very busy and chaotic world and online dating can be a great avenue to meet people and do it in a way that allows you to really get to know someone before you even meet them.

  • By eherzer
  • on 11/11/08 2:51 PM EST

I very much agree. It's still a way of meeting people, weeding out those you don't click with and finding some gems.

  • By aliciak
  • on 11/11/08 8:22 AM EST