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Our Dealing With Depression Experts

Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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Finding Help Through Religion

Finding Help Through Religion

For many religions, mental health issues such as depression are often not discussed and suicide is one of the ultimate sins: If you commit suicide, you’re going to hell. However, in many faiths, that view is softening. For many Christian clergy members, the outlook has become that if God is loving and suffers when you suffer, he couldn’t turn you away for ending your pain. As one rabbi put it, “Judaism teaches the sanctity of life but not at all costs.”

As religious leaders become more open about dealing with depression and mental illness, more members of their congregations are willing to come to them for help. Studies have shown that those with religious backgrounds and beliefs were more likely to seek help from their clergy before psychologists or psychiatrists. While many religious leaders are generally happy to help, their role is to provide people guidance and recommend them to a trained mental health expert.

How has religion helped you (or not) in dealing with depression? [The Free Lance-Star]

Posted: 6/9/08