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Poetry in Motion

The following poem was written by 20th century poet, Anne Sexton, who actually took up writing upon the advice of her therapist:
The Fury Of Rainstorms
The rain drums down like red ants,
each bouncing off my window.
The ants are in great pain
and they cry out as they hit
as if their little legs were only
stitched on and their heads pasted.
And oh they bring to mind the grave,
so humble, so willing to be beat upon
with its awful lettering and
the body lying underneath
without an umbrella.
Depression is boring, I think
and I would do better to make
some soup and light up the cave.
When you're taking on depression, finding ways to cope can be difficult, but oftentimes writing out your feelings can make a world of difference it can be the emotional equivalent of making soup and lighting up the cave.
You can keep the poems in a personal notebook or diary, or you could even take it a step further and post them online on sites like or You'll even be able to find other aspiring poets who are going through a similar experience.
Has writing poetry helped you deal with your depression?
Writing and just pounding out your thoughts on paper makes you feel worlds better -- depression or not. Sometimes, when I am angry, I just pull out my notebook and go to town until my hand hurts. But some of my best writing has come out of those moments. My fiance always knows to just let me be when he sees me drilling a pen into a pad of paper!
I think writing or keeping a journal is very helpful in getting clarity. It's amazing sometimes when you look back on things you've written and wonder how your mood could have been so dark or what your frame of mind was at the time.